Take time to feel the silence, sit with it, and enjoy it. How often do you take time to sit, breathe, observe, and be? We've become so addicted to avoiding and escaping our thoughts & emotions that we run every time we face them. Then, we find the excuse that we would miss out if we sat there.
We keep busy, always in a hurry, mindlessly scrolling through socials, and consuming toxic information and food.
We feel disconnected because the disconnection happened already with ourselves. How can you feel love toward another if you don't love yourself? How can you receive respect if you don't respect your true self?
We accept the truth of others as our own´s as if our voice would not matter.
Take a step back, shut your phone & tv off, and think for yourself. Who are you? How do you feel? Are you happy? What matters to you? What are your talents? What do you like? Are happy? Are you sad? Why? Get comfortable with yourself precisely the way you are. Allow your thoughts & emotions, accept them, don't judge, and don't get attached. Discover your world. Observe. Breathe and let go of all that is no longer beneficial. Remember who you are & give yourself some extra love because you deserve it.
Take care, soul fam.
Lots of Love,